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We have provided the answers to some frequently asked questions regarding a boarding stay with us.  If you do not find the answer to your question here, please contact us using the form below, send us an email or call us.

Does my cat need to be vaccinated?

By Victorian State law, all cats entering a boarding facility require a current yearly vaccination. Please remember to bring proof of your cat’s vaccination record. This is a requirement not only for the health of your cat, but for all of the cats staying in the facility. The Cat Pad can arrange for the veterinarians at The Cat Clinic to give your cat a thorough health check-up and vaccination prior to admission if your cat is overdue for their vaccinations

How many condos are there at The Cat Pad and how large is each one?

The Cat Pad has 28 condos available. Each condo provides separate living, sleeping and toileting quarters for your cat.  Each condo is approximately 1m high, 1m wide and 1m deep. Larger and interconnected condos are provided for extended stays and multiple cats.

How many cats can stay in one condo?

Up to two cats can stay in our larger condos for short stays. For longer stays, we have interconnected cages for them to share. All cats are otherwise housed individually to ensure health and happiness for your cat.

Are there strict drop off and Pick up times?

Drop off and pickups are strictly within business hours.  We are sorry but No exceptions can be made due to council stipulation. We would appreciate it if you could provide us with accurate drop off and pick up times to ensure we have everything ready for you and your cat.

The Cat Pad opening times are 9am to 12.00pm and 3pm to 5.00pm Monday to Friday & 9am to 12.00pm on Saturday. Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

what food will my cat be fed or should I bring my own cat's food?

At The Cat Pad, we provide a large range of brands, including  Science Diet & Whiskas Advance. We also keep an extensive range of Prescription diets from Hills, Royal Canin, as well as Science diet and Advance.  We certainly know cats can be fussy, so please feel free to bring any favourite treat or specialised diets for your cat and staff will cater for your cat’s dietary compliance.

Does my cat require flea treatment?

All cats require current flea prevention prior to admission into boarding.  Should evidence of fleas be found on your cat, The Cat Pad will apply a rapid knock down flea control at your cost.

Can I bring my cat's own bed & toys?

Soft & comfy beds and toys are provided to all cats during their stay.  However, we welcome you to bring any of your cat’s bedding or toys with them to remind them of you and of home.

Can you provide me with updates during my cat's stay?

If you would like updates throughout your cat’s stay, please arrange this with our staff on admission, where we can email or SMS you regular updates.  Should we have any concerns regarding your cat’s health during their stay with us, we will contact you immediately via the details on record.

Is my cat allowed to wander around the cattery?

Due to council regulations, cats are not permitted to remain outside their condos . We do however make up for this with ample cuddles, play time and environmental enrichment. This suits many cats, as they feel safe and secure in their condo. This not only provides peace of mind, but also very high levels of hygiene and disease control.

Is there parking at The Cat Pad?

There is on street parking both on Malvern Road and Miller street. Please observe parking regulations including clearways, street sweepers and time restrictions. There is no off street parking provided for The Cat Pad, but clients are permitted to use the off street parking provided at The Cat Clinic for drop offs and pickups.

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